according to the website of Ministry of foreign cheap jerseys affairs 13 days, Yi Xianliang of vice director of the Foreign Ministry bianhai company Chinese held a briefing, informed Chinese enterprises built in Paracel Islands in the southern waters of drilling operations, announced the Vietnamese vessel impact Chinese ships, Chinese salvage operators deliberately placed great obstacles Vietnam status of the video and photos, reaffirming the solemn position on Chinese Paracel Islands's territorial sovereignty, refuted Vietnam unjustified accusations, demands the Vietnam immediately stop interfering in any form for China operations.
Present situationVietnamese illegal occupation of Nansha 29 island
Yi Xianliang introduced, as of 12 noon yesterday, Vietnam still has 51 boats in the field, Vietnam on the China operation area has reached a total of 1547 times the number of collision. For Vietnam in the provocation sea, cheap nhl jerseys China had to take the necessary preventive measures, had to send official boat to ensuring work safety, to effectively safeguard the normal production order and safety of navigation.
Since5 month 2 days, China at all levels with Vietnam conducted 30 times communication, such communication in daily. Illegal interference with Vietnam continues, and spread a lot of inconsistent with the facts of speech, attempting to create new territorial disputes.
Paracel Islands is inherent territory Chinese, in the jurisdiction China government long-term effective, there is not any dispute and any other country. Between China and Vietnam in the South China Sea has a wide range of dispute, but does not include Xisha. China and Vietnam in the South China Sea disputes is part of the reefs of the Spratly Islands territorial disputes in the South China Sea and the maritime rights and interests of the overlapping claims disputes, among which the core problem is the Nansha Islands Dispute, controversial Vietnam of illegally occupied China 29 Spratly Islands island. China has always opposed to illegal occupation of Vietnam, Vietnam invaded from the requirements of China reefs on the withdrawal of all personnel and facilities. China's efforts to safeguard sovereignty over Nansha's determination not to move or retreat.
Evidencemore impact in maritime police vessel damaged
induced barrierforeign ministry released Yuefang ships impact Chinese ships, the Chinese salvage Vietnam deliberately cloth 4 video placed obstacles and related photos.
The firstvideo. In May 2nd, Vietnam KN762 ship active impact Chinese coast guard ship number 46001, leading to the Chinese coast guard ships deck right guardrail damage.
second video. Vietnam cheap basketball ncaa jerseys KN762 ship impact China police cheap customized jerseys No. 46105 lifeboat, causing Chinese ships deck - barrier damage. You can see Yuefang ships formed on the right side of the waves, suggesting that it is in the active mobile, rather than the Chinese ship in mobile. The active impact ships would form the wave, the impact will be stationary ship by the occurrence of the opposite displacement wave.
third video. In May 3rd, KN762 is also a ship active impact China's No. 46001 lifeboat, resulting in Chinese ships left guardrail damage, part of the hull is damaged.
fourth video. Large obstacles just put a lot in the sea or even destroy the safety of navigation. Video display, our coast guard ship in the salvage >